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Photographer: @contanstinstein     Model: Gloire Dalima

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Top Posters Magazine

Design: Maj-Britt Kreft

Photographer: @constantinstein   Model: Gloire Dalima

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MALVIE Magazine

Photographer @henakuu

Model @duuungg          @only_gea           @sobbing_qunt

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Design Maj-Britt Kreft@lu.casst, @gibizarre, @vaso_grg and @rebeccaajq

Photographer @easy_saves_hyrule                    Stylist @maeynesie

Model @jasmin_isk                                                  Mua @aytug_mua

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The FAM Collective

Photographer @j4502official

Videographer @mikkyfilmz

Models @_rorynolan and @muhumuzamushega

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Vancouver Fashion Week SS20

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Graduation Show Paris 2019

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L´Officiel Lithuania

L´Officiel Lithuania 

Design: Maj-Britt Kreft and Gibizarre

Photographer: @umutphotography     Styling: @anna.fashionstylist    

Model: @lara_schmidt_ @anteapuco   Hair&Make Up:

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Scorpio Jin

Scorpion Jin Magazine

Design: Maj-Britt Kreft

Photographer: @umutphotography     Styling: @anna.fashionstylist       Model: @ennes_kozk

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Show me 2018

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Show me 2017

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